Jianjin Software

Improve Chinese skills step-by-step with our education software. Great tools built for both students and teachers.

Get started

Learn live

Live video tuition for 1-2-1 or small class. See vocabulary notes as your teacher enters them, a perfect accompaniment to live video tuition.

Intelligent note-taking

Automatically looks up translations, pronunciation and example sentences as you build your vocabulary. Great tool for teacher to prepare course material or for students to learn.

Share with other users

Easily share your notes with students, friends and teachers.

Get better step-by-step

Review your notes using flashcards and quizzes to lock in your new knowledge. Test your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills from here.

Use everywhere

Synchronised contents across different platforms. Pick desktop or mobile when it suits.

Ready-made resources

We've got carefully chosen vocabulary sets to get your study journey started. Current material covers GCSE, HSK 1-6 levels, and picture books for elementary users.